Below are the list of steps to follow on how to become a member of the Metropolitan DC-VA Soccer Association
1) From the MDCVSA Bylaws -- Any organization desiring to become member of this Association shall submit a written letter to the President, explaining why they wish to join. The applicant shall include with the letter, copies of its charter or articles of incorporation, bylaws, rules, regulations, any rules of play, and/or any other governing documents appropriate to understanding the structure and activities of the organization.
2) Registration Data must be submitted for all of the players in your league.
It is extremely important (and required) that each league submit the required player information for all of its players.
Incomplete data will not be accepted.
To help leagues comply with the electronic registration requirements, we have posted an Electronic Registration Template form (using Microsoft Excel®) to the website:
3) Payment should be submitted with a League Remittance Form sent to you by the State Administrator.
Our fees are as follows:
All leagues pay a $100 Affiliation fee, payable once per year, at the start of the calendar year, January 1.
We then charge $20.00 per player, payable once a year*. (We offer a Liability ONLY option for $15 per player)
*For example, If a player plays in your league, which has 3 seasons, the league pays $20.00 for that player, even though he pays to play in your league each season, $20.00 covers that player for the year with the MDCVSA.
The fee structure of $20.00 per/player breaks down as follows:
$9 USASA ($3 liability insurance, $4 towards USASA programs, $2 towards USSF programs)
$7 Participants Accident Insurance (PAI)
$4 MDCVSA Programs and Expenses
*We offer a Liability ONLY option for $15 per player*
The use of the Remittance Form will make it easier to keep track of the number of registered players so that we can, in turn, ensure that all appropriate fees are being paid to the USASA. Please do not send payment until our State Administrator has had a chance to review your Data, and account for duplicates or any mistakes, to give you an accurate number for payment, and in turn, send you a remittance form.The league must register and pay for all of its players.
4) A league affiliation form will also need to be completed and submitted via a google form. This form helps us keep in touch with league officers and lets us know what information can be posted on our web site. This form also lets each league tell us about its seasonal schedule (such as whether the league plays in the fall, winter, spring, and summer).
5) After we have received all the required information and payment, the Executive Committee can grant provisional affiliation (you will be "affiliated" and insured at that point). It is also highly recommended that you retain a hard copy of all completed forms. While e-mail is a fairly reliable means of communication, it is not fool proof,so please keep hard copies of the submitted Remittance Form, all payment checks, and the completed Electronic Registration Template for your league's own internal records. This will ensure that you have a written record of what was sent.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the State Administrator, Mary Beth Falk, at:
[email protected]