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Metropolitan DC-Virginia Soccer Association Soccer: Fun, Fitness, and Friends -- for Life

Hosting a Tournament

 As a member league, can we apply to Host a Tournament, and what are the procedures?
To host an affiliated/sanctioned tournament in MDCVSA territory, leagues must adhere to the guidelines listed below.This agreement is intended for situations where the organizer is hosting an inter-league tournament, i.e. teams participating from multiple leagues.(NOTE: if the organizer is hosting an intra-league tournament, i.e. participating players are all currently registered in the same league, there is no requirement to submit an application to MDCVSA. However, the organizer does need to verify all players are currently registered, check player passes and follow guidelines set forth by MDCVSA for regular league play.) The following items must be submitted, along with a $25 processing fee (for a returning tournament) OR a$100 processing fee (for a new tournament), to MDCVSA no later than 120 days in advance of the proposed date(s) of the event. 
1) Application to host a tournament along with a signed copy of the hosting agreement.
2) Proposed copy of tournament rules for the event. 
3) Proposed copy of the affiliation guidelines which outlines the process for verification of players from other leagues/states.
For an example, you can visit click on "affiliation”. You are permitted to use this as a guideline. 
At a minimum, affiliation guidelines must outline the following: 
1)Player affiliation/guest player registration
2)Roster verification process/player passes
3) Registration/tournament check-in
Please send it via email to: [email protected], and  [email protected]
As well as the hard copy, via snail mail to:
PO BOX 673
Locust Grove, Va 22508
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